WT-News Nachrichten und Magazin Joomla5 Joomla 4 und Joomla 3 Vorlage

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shoppingBag Verkäufe: 115


Erstellt: 10.08.2017

Aktualisiert: 24.02.2025

ID: 64767

Get Free Installation with This Item The "Buy a Template, Get Free Installation" offer is exclusively available for template only. This means the free installation service is only applicable if you start a brand-new website without existing content, structure, or prior installations.
If your website already exists—whether it has been partially built, contains pre-existing content, or uses a different template or CMS—this offer will not apply. Also you can consider Free Installation as an option if you confirm existing date erasing and confirm that it will look like in demo with dummy content. Other cases can be reviewed by our team and can be done for additional fee depending on your requirements.
If you’re unsure whether your project qualifies for the free installation, contact our support team before purchasing a template.

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WT-News Nachrichten und Magazin Joomla5 Joomla 4 und Joomla 3 Vorlage - Eigenschaften Bild 1WT-News Nachrichten und Magazin Joomla5 Joomla 4 und Joomla 3 Vorlage - Eigenschaften Bild 2WT-News Nachrichten und Magazin Joomla5 Joomla 4 und Joomla 3 Vorlage - Eigenschaften Bild 3

Wt News ist eine responsive und professionelle Joomla-Nachrichten- und Magazinvorlage. Wt News unterstützt breite und Box-Layouts. Es wird mit den neuesten Techniken erstellt: Bootstrap 3, Awesome Google Font, LESS, CSS3 und HTML5, was es leistungsfähiger und flexibler macht. Die Vorlage basiert auf dem T3-Framework mit einem vollständig responsiven Design. Das bedeutet, dass es auf jedes Gerät (Desktop, Tablets und Smartphones) passt. Wt News ist eine perfekte Lösung für inhaltsreiche Zeitschriften- und Nachrichten-Websites.

Wt News wird mit einem hochgradig anpassbaren T3-Framework geliefert, das dem Thema hohe Flexibilität verleiht, da Sie den Skin einfach ändern oder Ihren eigenen Stil, Schriftart usw. definieren können.


  • Kompatibel mit allen Versionen von Joomla (einschließlich Joomla 5.x-4.x und 3.x)
  • Vollständig responsives Design
  • Verwendetes T3-Framework , einfach zu bedienen, leistungsstark und flexibel
  • 12 voreingestellte Farbstile und die Möglichkeit, mit der ThemeMagic-Funktion des T3 Framework Ihren eigenen Stil zu erstellen
  • 3 Hintergrundtypoptionen (festes Bild, gemustert und einfarbig)
  • 5 Mega- Menüstile (Fade, Zoom, Slide, Elastic usw.)
  • Viele Modulpositionen und verschiedene Kombinationen mit T3-Flexibilität
  • 2 Homepage-Variationen
  • 6 Google-Schriftarten (Oswald, Rajdhani, PT Sans, Lato, Open Sans, Source Sans Pro)
  • Klebriger Header
  • Vollbreiten- und Boxed-Breite-Layout
  • Off-Canvas-Seitenleiste
  • Bootstrap 3 und Font Awesome
  • Videos und Videogalerie-Erweiterung
  • Schnellstartpaket mit Dummy-Daten
  • Flickr -Fotostreaming
  • Bis zu 3-Spalten -Layout
  • Google Map-Kontaktseite
  • Mehrere Seitenlayout-Kombinationen
  • Benutzerdefinierte Modulvarianten
  • News Pro GK5-Modul
  • Wettererweiterung
  • Abonnieren Sie die Mailingliste
  • Bild- oder Textlogo
  • Unbegrenzte Hintergrundfarben und -kombinationen
  • Einfach zu verwendende 404-Seite
  • Umfangreiche T3-Typografie
  • Die Joomla-Vorlage überschreibt die enthaltene Dokumentation für T3 und Erweiterungen
  • Social-Sharing-Plugin


10/02/2025 Joomla 4-5 Version, JT Testimonial and Headline JT5, JT Content Slider, JT Tabs, Yendif Video Share, Akeeba Backup, SP Weather updated Sp weather issue fixed 18/10/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, JT Testimonial and Headline JT5 updated 13/09/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, JT Content Slider and Akeeba updated 26/08/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, JT Content Slider and Akeeba updated 29/05/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, T3 plugin and Akeeba updated 21/02/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version updated user reported navigation arrow bug fixed. 16/02/2024 Joomla 4-5 Version, Akeeba updated 16/12/2023 Joomla 4-5 Version, News Pro GK5, Akeeba updated 26/10/2023 Joomla 5 Compatible Version added 22/10/2023 Joomla 4 Version, AcyMailing updated 17/10/2023 Joomla 4 Version, News Pro GK5, Akeeba, FastSocial Share and JT Content Slider updated Changelog: 03/07/2023 Description Edited as Compatible with all versions of Joomla (including Joomla 4.x and 3.x ) 21/06/2023 Joomla 4 Version, News Pro GK5, Akeeba and AcyMailing updated 03/05/2023 User reported frontend bug related to creating article fixed. Joomla 4 version, T3 plugin and Acy Mailing Updated 02/04/2023 Joomla 4 Version, News Pro GK5 and AcyMailing updated 21/02/2023 Joomla 4 Version, SPSimplePortfolio, T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 02/11/2022 Joomla 4 Version, Joomla 3 Version, Fast Social Share, SPSimplePortfolio and AcyMailing updated 29/05/2022 Joomla 4 Version added, Joomla 3 Version and AcyMailing updated 09/03/2022 Joomla Version updated User Reported minor bug fixed 13/11/2021 Joomla Version,T Framework, AcyMailing , News Pro GK5 updated 15/09/2021 Joomla Version,T Framework, News Pro GK5 updated 25/04/2021 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.26, AcyMailing Updated 06/03/2021 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.25, AcyMailing Updated 13/01/2021 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.24, AcyMailing Updated 30/11/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.23 AcyMailing Updated 10/10/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.22 26/08/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.21 17/07/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.20 04/06/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.19 - Minor bug fixed 15/03/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.16 31/01/2020 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.15 News Pro GK5 Updated Fastsocialshare Plugin Updated 07/11/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.13 - T3 plugin updated 25/09/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.12 23/08/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.11 11/07/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.10 05/07/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.8 Fastsocialshare Plugin Updated 20/05/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.6 News Pro GK5 Updated Fastsocialshare Plugin Updated 11/04/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.5 20/03/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.4 T3 plugin updated 15/01/19 Joomla Version updated to 3.9.2 News Pro GK5 Updated Highlighter GK5 Updated Fastsocialshare Plugin Updated 21/11/18 Joomla Version updated to 3,9.0 T3 Plugin updated 2.7.3 Version Chronoforms Updated

4 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

I was looking for a good template for news and flow of topics for a client.The site had a lot of whitespace around the content which made place to add banners which makes the site nice to watch and navigate.Generally, you get an excellent template for news and flow of topics.
Thanks for review
Questo template è l'ideale per siti di tipo giornalistico o informativo. L'ho usato per presentare un blog di informazioni gratuite a diversi tipi di utenti. I colori sono ben curati e lo stile netto e impostato consente una lettura chiara di tutte le sezioni. Lo consiglio vivamente a chi voglia mettere su una testata informativa di qualsiasi settore sia. Interessante è la possibilità di contenere in riquadri intercambiali e multicolonne in pochi minuti. Davvero complementi agli autori.
Dear Leonardo Software Srl, Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that the WTNews Joomla template has been ideal for your informational blog. Your positive feedback on the design, color scheme, and readability is greatly appreciated. We're especially glad to know that you found the interchangeable and multi-column box feature useful. Our team worked hard to ensure the template is versatile and user-friendly for all types of informational websites. Your recommendation means a lot to us, and it motivates us to continue delivering high-quality templates. If you have any suggestions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you once again for your kind words and support! Best regards, JoomlaTema
Very nice template and very good support.It' a modern templte and i use for education customer
Thankyou very much Ananias
top site, zit zo veel in, soms wat traag, maar verder zit er alles in wat ik nodig heb!

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Über den Autor

Master Author


4,9 /5
Support rating (65 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 61 4 2 3 0 2 1 1 1
Reaktionszeit: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


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